Lipstick Emoji

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Who says you can’t be beautiful and witty at the same time? Actually, that was probably just something I made up on the spot. I’ve never heard anyone say that you can’t be beautiful and witty at the same time. But regardless, it’s true that beautiful and witty are not mutually exclusive. As for the lipstick, you don’t absolutely need it to be beautiful, because you already are beautiful, both on the outside and the inside. All the same, the lipstick will give you a nice set of puffy, glossy, pretty pink lips that you can show off. As for being witty, chances are good that you can think of a clever lipstick-related pun. Who doesn’t love a good pun? I certainly do. Why not pay a bit of lip-service to such a great method of wordplay-based humor? What’s that, you can’t think of a good pun to make after all? Alright, alright, no need to get lippy about it.

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